How the More Human Company came to be

Don’t Burnout Don’t be an Asshole (shorthand for be more human)

Sitting in a coffee shop in New York in 2019, remember those days when we could travel and sit in coffee shops, I paused and thought what is important to me, what have I learned over my life and career, what difference do I want to make in the world?  What is my dharma?

Sometimes we don’t ask ourselves those big questions. That day was one of those days where you get what I call a cosmic download when things fall into place and the more human company came to life.

Reflecting on what was my most meaningful and joyful experiences at work and in life, iIt was that when I was seen and treated as an individual.  Was contributing in a way that provided me with meaning and purpose. When I was seen as a human by those whom I worked and called a friend.

It was then that I flourished.

When I was manipulated, bullied, overworked, gaslit, yelled at, dealt with passive-aggressive bullshit, well of course flourishing is not the word that springs to mind. It was only a few assholes that turned a joyful environment into something toxic. My stress increased, my sleep deteriorated, my appetite disappeared and my brain was in overload.

Be Kind

My vision for The More Human Company is to transform ourselves, become self-aware, be kind and compassionate, get out of our heads and back into our bodies, and listen for the innate wisdom we all have within us.  How?  One breath at a time.   From there the possibilities are endless.  When we resolve to grow and lead from our heart, we transform ourselves, our relationships, our businesses, and society.

The shorthand for the vision is simple Don’t burnout and not be an asshole.   

I’ve burnout, it is not pretty nor fun.  I am pretty sure I have also been an asshole from time to time but not all the time.  And when I have, I would like to think I apologised.

 The no asshole rule was inspired by Professor Robert Sutton from Stanford who wrote about it in 2007, his book is called The No Asshole Rule.  He writes at length as to why he chose the word asshole over jerk, despot, bully, and tyrant, and yes, some people find the word offensive.

 The More Human Company is not fluffy, it combines positive psychology with neuroscience with wisdom teachings.  I am 100% nerd who loves to know the why, what does this practice do to my body?  What do you mean that is happening in my brain!

Equally, I have had a meditation and breathing practice for many years and without knowing what I know now about my brain and body it made me feel good, my health improved, my brain fog lifted.

It allowed me to take things less personally, to pause and reflect before I responded.  To recognise when I was stressed and anxious and navigate it.

I may now know what is happening physiologically but I also knew that simply learning these techniques made me a better person.

What Went Before

During the first evolution of the more human company, I created the Wild Orange School of Wellbeing.  It was originally called Wild Orange my long-held dream of supporting people who had experienced chronic fatigue syndrome.

Here I focused on breathing, sleep, mindfulness, and habit change all core to this day and part of the more human company but I missed working with businesses.

Wild Orange was focused on individuals and overtime I realised that what lights me up is working with groups, the engagement, and interaction, and connection.  Wild Orange was my passion project, it is what gave me the courage to leave my full-time role in government which I truly enjoyed (despite a few assholes) to pursue wellbeing and hit pause.

 I’ve learned so much over the last few years but I have never felt more at home as I do now building and creating the more human company with some wonderful partners.  It feels easeful (not easy FYI), it brings me joy.

After much thought, I decided that Wild Orange also needs to evolve and it shall by focusing on kids, parents, and teachers.  I had a lot of requests for kids breathing and supported those who reached out, but with Covid continuing to put increasing pressure on our mental wellbeing (mine included) I realised that this is a space I really want to step into.

Thanks for being here and part of the more human company.  I would love to know you more.  Please sign up for my newsletter where each month I host breathing drop-in sessions as part of the more human collective.  Share some good news stories and what I and others are up to.

 The More Human Company is an invitation to slow down, reconnect with ourselves and others in meaningful ways.  It starts with self.  Exploring your inner world for growth.

“These times are urgent.  We must slow down.

These times are urgent.  We must slow down”. 
— Bayo Akomolafe

More Human Leadership


My CFS Recovery Recipe