More Human Leadership

These times are urgent. Let us slow down.
These times are urgent. Let us slow down.
— Bayo Akomolafe

Slowing down - Learn to Human Better

The heart of more human leadership is learning to pause before responding.  To increase our human capacity for self-awareness, to breathe before moving into action.

We are alive during a global pandemic. Many experiencing a sense of urgency (and exhaustion) arising from demands on multiple fronts - covid, climate change, homeschooling, caring for our teams, our friends, our family, and hopefully ourselves.

Trying to keep it all together. We still feel the need to rush, to keep all the balls in the air, and do more.

And yet, we must slow down. 

By slowing down we can increase our awareness.  Re-learn how to rest, to pause, to breathe. To respond rather than react.

Creating or continuing a humanistic approach to business.

By slowing down, we create space to learn how to human better.  By building a pause, a mindful moment before responding in work and life. To remember how to show up in responsive awareness, rather than reacting from a place of worry or fear or exhaustion.

More human leadership has many names, often described as conscious leadership, mindful leadership, compassionate leadership.  I call it human. We are all human and can all, if we choose, learn to human better.


More human leadership starts with you, as an individual. Not as a CEO, not as VP, or whatever title you may have.  Just you as a person, a human.

For when we know ourselves. When we can be comfortable in our own skin, with our vulnerabilities and insecurities, goals and aspirations, then we can be more human in all aspects of life.

When we can be honest about how we are feeling, moment to moment in a variety of situations, that allows us to acknowledge what is and what is not aligned with our true values.

Connecting body and mind

  • We spend 90% of our time on autopilot.

  • 95% of our thoughts we had yesterday we are going to think today

  • 50% of the time our attention is wandering

Wow right!

More human leadership starts by reconnecting your mind and your body.  

The More Human Co focuses on breathing, on the simple yet magical ability to use our breath to navigate stress, increase energy and regain focus.

Super simple, super powerful.

Learning to be present and getting out of your head (or at least not listening to it as much) is something we can all improve at given 90% of the time we are on autopilot.

What does more human leadership involve?

Be real.  What’s good for people is good for business. It involves change, our world is evolving and so must we.

It involves creating an environment based on applied (notice the word applied) values, respect, trust, compassion, kindness, recognition, gratitude, joy, meaning, purpose, and connection.

It starts with you.  With self.  Increasing your self-awareness and learning and asking for what you need is step one.  Showing up mindfully not mindlessly.

More human leadership starts with getting to know yourself and then you in relationship to others then your organization. Self - Others - Business

The More Human Company is not fluffy, it combines positive psychology and neuroscience with wisdom teachings.  I am 100% nerd who loves to know the why, what does this practice do to my body?  What do you mean that is happening in my brain! And yet I trust the ancient wisdom because it works.

It starts with your breath.

Breathing is the foundation of everything at the more human company. 

Our breath is the bridge to our mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. 

It is the secret internal compass for our stress response, our decisions, our interactions and we mostly ignore it as we live in our heads.  Focused breathing has been used for millenia to help people find presence, mindfulness, and vitality.

It is truly magical and will revolutionise your life when you re-learn how to breathe.


Your breath is the foundation of your wellbeing. Once you learn how to do it, you have everything you need, wherever you are.

Don’t Burnout Out - Don’t Be an Asshole! The shorthand for TMHC.

Controversial I know but well I do try to keep it real. Having burnout out I never want to experience that again nor do I want anyone else to. And I have worked with my fair share of assholes and been one myself on occasion.

A lot of the time this asshole behaviour was directed at me in the form of passive aggressiveness, bullying, gas-lighting, and a few tantrums.

Having studied trauma, I have a greater understanding and compassion towards those individuals who were most likely suffering themselves.

I am not the only person to recognise the no asshole role in more human businesses. Professor Robert Sutton from Stanford wrote about it in 2007, in his book The No Asshole Rule.  It can be toxic to have even one in your business as emotions are contagious. 

The More Human Company is an invitation to slow down, reconnect with ourselves and others in meaningful ways.  It starts with self.  Exploring your inner world for growth

Welcome to the more human company, a place where you will find breathing space to show up as the leader you choose to be.

Please reach out, or join the more human collective (sign up to my newsletter), a monthly gathering where we breathe and connect. Slow down in these urgent times.


Breath awareness


How the More Human Company came to be