mindfulness in daily life : session one

  • Workbook

    Download the workbook for session one


  • How do you want to feel?

    Download the emotional culture deck intention setting conversation guide

    Conversation Guide

    Feeling cards

  • Self Love Breath

    Access the video for self love breath


Daily Practice

Session One Daily Practice

  1. Being here with you I notice - who would benefit from this short connection exercise? Who can you share it with this week?

  2. Balanced Breathing with self love hug - five minutes each and every day of 6-6 breathing (option of self love hug)

  3. Intention setting - how do I want to feel? Using the black cards you can draw one card each morning and decide how you want to feel. Ask yourself what do I need to feel this way? Move into action.

  4. Mindfulness -listen to the introduction to mindfulness audio file and practice the short meditations

  5. Transition routine - practice your transition routine moving from work to life


Listen to the mindfulness introduction and meditations below. Spent time this week practicing pausing for presence.

Spend the rest of the week focusing on your daily practice

Before our next class feel free to download the workbook for session two