wellbeing made simple : session two

  • Workbook

    Download the workbook for session two


  • Mood Meter

    Download the mood meter

    Mood Meter

  • Self Love Breath

    Access the video for self love breath


Daily Practice


Session Two Daily Practice

  1. Micro Practice - three full breaths every time you have. a tea, coffee, glass of water or visit the bathroom

  2. Mindful Moment - one full slow deep breath throughout the day to rebalance your nervous system

  3. Balanced Breathing with self love hug - five minutes each and every day of 6-6 breathing (option of self love hug)

  4. How am I Feeling? - using the mood meter ask yourself the question, how am I feeling? Recognise, Label, Understand

  5. Storytelling - when you start to think about how you are feeling notice if you are making up a story, check for evidence. The story I am making up is…..

Spend the rest of the week focusing on your daily practice

Before our next class feel free to download the workbook for session three