wellbeing made simple : session three

Daily Practice


Session Three Daily Practice

  1. Rampage of appreciation - is there someone at home or work who could benefit from this connection exercise

  2. Breath of Fire - an energising uplifting practice. Practice daily for 30 seconds if you enjoy it and need a boost

  3. How am I Feeling? - using the mood meter ask yourself the question, how am I feeling? Recognise, Label, Understand, Express and Regulate. Take a moment throughout the week to ask do I want to feel differently, if so what do I need?

  4. 4462 Breathing for Anxiety - when things get too much, take a pause and practice the 4462 breathing practice to reduce negative mental chatter

  5. A daily dose of gratitude - list three-five things that you are grateful for each and every day to begin creating positive neural pathways

Spend the rest of the week focusing on your daily practice

Before our next class feel free to download the workbook for session four