wellbeing made simple : session five

  • Workbook

    Download the workbook for session five


  • Take the chronotype quiz

    Lark or owl? Perhaps somewhere in between. Take the quiz below


  • Yoga Nidra - Dynamic Sleep

    Get comfortable for this practice of deep rest. Lay either on a yoga mat or your bed or sofa. Cover yourself with a warm blanket, grab an eye mask and plug in your earphones and prepare to drift away.

    Yoga Nidra

Daily Practice


Session Five Daily Practice

  1. Partner Memory - is there someone at home or work who could benefit from this connection exercise

  2. Ujjayi Breath - a calming and soothing addition to balanced breathing

  3. 4-7-8 Breathing - unable to sleep? Try this deeply restful practice

  4. Work with your chronotype - use the quiz to determine your chronotype. Do you work with it or against? Working with your chronotype will improve your sleep and wellbeing

  5. Dynamic Sleep Yoga - rest is so important and yet we rarely allow it. Trying this calming practice to access a state of deep rest

  6. Daily practice -identify which of the daily practices you want to get curious with. Try one a day, try one for a week or a month and notice how your sleep changes (hopefully for the better)

Spend the rest of the week focusing on your daily practice

Before our next class feel free to download the workbook for session six