mindfulness in daily life : session six

  • Workbook

    Download the workbook for session six


  • Bright Spots

    Download the emotional culture deck bright spots conversation guide

    Conversation Guide

    Feeling cards

  • Loving Kindness Meditation

    Self compassion and self love allows us to give to others. Download the meditation below to practice loving kindness meditation and the self compassion break meditation

    Access resources from Stanford Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education

    Loving Kindness Research

Daily Practice


Session Six Daily Practice

  1. Blind Portrait Drawing - who would benefit from this short connection exercise? Who can you share it with this week? Laughter is the best medicine.

  2. Self Compassion Break - listen to the short meditation below to find self love and self compassion in your day

  3. Finding Bright Spots - using the cards recall how you want to feel and what tools or support you received to feel that way. Share with your team, friends and family.

  4. Mindful Photography -meander and find something with represents self love and self compassion. Save it as a screen saver to help you be mindful of you throughout the day.

  5. One thing you are looking forward to - pause and reflect on the every day…what brings you joy and makes you smile? Can you do more of that this week?

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

Thank you for being part of the program

Continue to practice mindfulness in daily life