Connected leadership


Becoming a more human leader

Human better. Be Kind. Be different.

Think of this program as a divine degustation menu. You get to sample a number of practices and modalities that can support you to human better and highlight areas that you need in your business.

Over 12 Weeks we cover

  • breathing the foundation pillar, recognise your stressors and how to navigate them

  • the art and science of sleep

  • identify you realised and unrealised strengths and what energises you

  • how to lead with love and appreciation

  • create an emotionally rich culture

  • Create boundaries and you user guide

  • mindful leadership including mindfulness through photography

  • How habits are formed and how to create the ones your really want

Leave with your more human leadership canvas.

“It was a privilege to work with Sonja in delivering a Mindful Leadership session to Tech Nation’s FinTech cohort. Mental Wellbeing is a topic that is often neglected by founders because so many other things take priority.

Sonja’s session was so impactful because it managed to allow the participants to: reflect on their behaviours, understand the science of wellbeing, and develop new practices to become more mindful leaders.”
— Liam - FinTech Lead Tech Nation, London